Design group 1


Hi everyone! We are Paradigma, a small design company from Vaagen high school in Norway, Sandnes. We are a group of 5 people: Synnøve, Elva, Christoffer and Anna. This is our blog about our previous project: building a mechanical toy.

We got a task to make a mechanical toy, where we could use any material we wanted for the actual toy. The materials we were supposed to include in our mechanical toys were metal, something 3D printed and wood. All of us used wood to make the box that frames the mechanical part. We gathered in groups of 3-5. In groups we were supposed to choose the name of our little designer company, a theme, target group and the purpose of our mechanical toy.

A mechanical toy is a toy that can perform a range of motion depending on the mechanism used, from simple to complex. There are many different types of mechanical toys that use their own types of mechanics. For example, there are wind up toys driven by a clockwork motor, electrically driven toys and then there are spring driven toys, like jack in the box. In this task, we focused on the more simpler hand driven mechanics, using gears, cranks and cams to achieve vertical and rotational movement, which was important for what we wanted to achieve.

As a designer company inspired by the change in means of transport, we wanted our target group to be mostly adults. Our toys should be used for decoration, not for playing. The designer company is called Paradigma, which means a huge change in mentality and lifestyle. We wanted a product that was connected to our name. Finally, we chose different means of transport that have changed the history for the better. We chose different means of transport: boat, plane, hot air balloon, bicycle and train.

Some parts of these toys were constructed using 3D-printed objects. The concept of 3D printing is a very simple, and an easy way to make a 3D generated objects on a screen become real. By the help of programs like Cura, and many other 3D modeling programs and download simple designs or make your own.

It all starts with the plastic of your choice (PLA, ABS etc.), which goes through an extruder[1] that heats up the plastic, melting it so it can be used to shape your model. The plastic is then applied to the 3D platform by multiple horizontal layers, which will then form the model. This is a long process that can take a few hours, depending on how big the model is or how the model is being made. Some models are made by having a structured filling, for example a honeycomb shape which is a strong and stable stuffing for a model. This doesn’t take as long as having a model with no cavity, which can take up to a day to print in terms of the size.

Before we started this project, only one of us had previous experience with 3D-printing. Christoffer has been making models from 3D printing at home, making it easier for the whole group to learn more about the concept. We understood the concept generally well, but for many of us, the part where we began printing was a whole new experience. We learned to operate and download different 3D programs, like tinkercad, sculptris and Cura.

In addition to learning about 3D printing, we learned to use our small to nonexistent knowledge on mechanics to successfully make a functional moving decoration. We also learned to combine different materials, making them work together within our individual design as well as the group as a whole. We had a lot fun, working together, planning our theme and use of materials, and helping each other out with our individual designs. It was a rewarding learning experience.

[1] An extruder is the part of the 3D printer that heats up the plastic and makes the model. It is the main part of all 3D printing.

Christoffer: For the individual part of the project, I decided to take my inspiration from planes. Since we decided that the theme should be transportation, the idea of making a plane could be a good concept, in terms of how useful it has been through decades. The plane was a pioneer in traveling, which was one of the reasons i chose it. I went for something classic: The old douglas DC 3. While planning the end result, I wanted to experiment with new materials. The idea was to make the plane as simple as possible, with less detail and more shape. So I decided to make the plane out of transparent plexiglas, making the model modern and simple. The idea was that you could see through the build, and what materials it was made of. I also integrated 3D printing into the project. I decided that the motors of the plane were the part that was going to be made out of plastic. I designed the engines by using tinkercad and a bit of fusion 360. Tinkercad was a very easy and simple program to use, but not so precise. Fusion 360 is a more professional program (in result, harder to use), but making the end result of the print perfect. But I ended up using Tinkercad, because it was much easier to use, and the interface is much more pleasing/work friendly. I enjoyed using Tinkercad, because it was easy, and I could put all the numbers and lengths I needed into the object.
Elva: In this task we were supposed to make a mechanical toy using simple mechanics to create motion. To decide on the theme of the toy, we were separated into groups. My group and I decided on the theme: means of transportation and I decided to make a hot air balloon that is driven by a bike. I was inspired by the steampunk subculture, especially with my choice of materials. I mostly used wood and metal, creating a distressed look to the toy, but we were also supposed to use at least on 3D printed object.

I decided to 3D print the bits of the mechanical toy that would be difficult to make by hand, like some parts of the wheels on the bike and the gears, that turn the bike. To make these, I used an online free 3D modelling program called Tinkercad. It is a simple program, kind of reminds you of building blocks, where you use already made shapes to build up your structure. I liked this program especially because of its simplicity, and it did the trick for what I needed to print. However, it would be limiting when it comes to printing out organic looking structures or sculptures. That is where Sculptris comes in.

Sculptris is a 3D modelling software, where you sculpt with your mouse like you would with clay. To then print out these sculptures, you would move them over to the Tinkercad program, and continue like you would normally with Tinkercad. Tinkercad and Sculptris are the only two 3D programs that I am familiar with, but I’m sure there are many more out there that I have yet to explore. In addition to learn about these 3D programs, I learned a lot about mechanics and design, and I am quit happy with the finished product.

Synnøve: When my group decided to use means of transport as the theme for our toys, I wanted to build an old-fashioned train. For material, I wanted to use mostly wood, but use metal for details to give it an extra touch. As for my 3D-printing, I decided to print my wheels and gear, because cutting small gears of wood would be difficult. I used tinker cad to design my gear wheels. When we were introduced to tinker cad and sculptris, I liked sculptris the most because I found tinker cad difficult. However, tinker cad already had gear wheels, because of that I chose to use tinker cad for my project.

I have learned a lot about using and working with different materials. I have worked with wood before, but tiny iced lolly sticks were different than wood planks. In addition, working with metal was a new experience. I used metal from old soda cans, which was easy to shape, but hard to cut in. I have also learned a lot about 3D-printing, which I had no previous experience with at all.


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